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Anti-bribary | Conflict minerals | Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) | Ethical sourcing | Ethics and social metrics | Materials management | Materials sourcing | Multi-tier supply chain assessment | Product traceability | REACH | RoHS | SCIP



Geo Coverage

Europe & Middle East, Americas

Founded Date


Office Location

Headquarters in Ontario, Canada

Nbr of employees


Assent Compliance

Assent Compliance is a leader in supply chain sustainability management solutions. With more than a decade of experience, Assent is specifically focused on complex manufacturers, a subset of manufacturers in the industrial equipment, electronics, medical device, aerospace/defense and automotive verticals whose products have a long design cycle and shelf life. More importantly, with thousands of parts making up a single product, and equally as many supplier partners across their global supply chain, complex manufacturers have extreme supply chain sustainability requirements.

The Assent solution blends the SaaS technology platform with managed services and its world-class Regulatory Team of subject matter experts who keep customers ahead of compliance and regulatory changes across the globe. Assent’s customers use our solutions across product compliance, trade compliance and ESG to capture, track, report on and manage supply chain compliance and sustainability performance of their suppliers. Assent is on a mission to make the supply chains of complex manufacturers deeply and durably good by helping them see deeper into their supply chains, be smarter with powerful data, and grow better to seize market opportunities.

Best fitted for


Aerospace and Aviation, Manufacturing, High tech

Company size

1000-5000, 5000-10000, 10000 and above

Alternative to Assent Compliance

Geo Coverage: Europe & Middle East, Americas, Asia-Pacific

Geo Coverage: Americas, Europe & Middle East, Asia-Pacific