Sweep is the leading carbon management platform bringing everything your company needs to run the best climate programme: Organise. Adjust your carbon programme to your company and value-chain, not the other way around. Measure. Make the most of man and machine, with...
Position Green Group is the Nordic leader in sustainability software and consulting. We help companies manage ESG risk and build resilient and sustainable organisations. Our integrated ESG offering combine specialised advisory services with data-driven software,...
Klima.Metrix builds software that helps enterprises to calculate, track and report their corporate and product carbon footprints. We calculate automated and precisely, track via API into your systems and report according to accredited standards. We offer automated...
Planetly by OneTrust is a leading climate tech company, enabling businesses to analyse, reduce and offset their carbon emissions and to implement holistic ESG management. We believe in transparency and action to fight the climate crisis. Therefore, we made it our...
Minimum is the leading ‘all-in-one’ tech platform for corporate sustainability management. We calculate a business’ carbon footprint, provide bespoke reduction advice and help plan an effective route to Net Zero. Minimum’s hybrid solution of cutting-edge...